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Services Available and Fees Applicable

Services Available and Fees Applicable

The Student and Administration Services department is there to assist students in various capacities, from the time they enter Raffles College of Higher Education (RCHE) to the time they graduate.

The professional staff are there to help students overcome any obstacles in their path to a great education.

    • Career counseling services,
    • Assistance in immigration services,
    • Issuing of student passes,
    • Issuing of transcripts and certificates
    • Grievances Procedures
    • Raffles College Counselling Services (RCCS)
    • Raffles Chaplaincy

Methods of Payment

A better and secured payment experience for our local and international students.

– local and international payment service

– local and international payment service

– local and international payment service

– local and international payment service

Transfer of CourseS$200
Inter-School Transfer FeeS$300
Intention to Withdraw from CourseS$200
Additional ModuleS$100
Retaking of ModuleS$25.00 X (no. of learning hours for the module) + (GST)
Module WithdrawalS$100 (by Week 2)
Re-sit of Examination / Re-submissionS$150
Request for Justification of Marks FeeS$50
Re-issue of Transcript / Letter of CertificationS$50
Re-issue of Student Identification Card (Student ID)S$50
Late Payment ChargeS$50 per week
Re-set of Student Portal / Email Password FeeS$5


  1. This fee is correct as at 10 July 2017 and prevailing GST applies, unless otherwise specified.
  2. The fee will be revised from time to time without prior notice.
  3. Please obtain the latest fee from the Student Services Department or RCHE’s Student Handbook or website for updated information.
  4. Miscellaneous Fees refer to any non-compulsory and non-standard fees which the student will pay only when necessary or applicable. Such fees are normally collected on an ad-hoc basis by the PEI when the need arises.


Payable to ICAS$30 (no GST)
Payable to CollegeS$23.50


  1. This fee is correct as at 10 July 2017 and prevailing GST applies, unless otherwise specified.
  2. The fee will be revised from time to time without prior notice.
  3. Please obtain the latest fee from the Student Services Department or RCHE’s Student Handbook or website for updated information.
  4. Miscellaneous Fees refer to any non-compulsory and non-standard fees which the student will pay only when necessary or applicable. Such fees are normally collected on an ad-hoc basis by the PEI when the need arises.
Get in touch

872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
ph: +1.123.434.965

Work inquiries
ph: +1.321.989.645