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2021 Coventry University Degree Show

14 Raffles Designers featured at the 2021 Coventry University Degree Show

Coventry University Degree Show 2021

Raffles Designers who’ve graduated on the 23 of June 2021, are also featured on the Coventry University Degree Show 2021. We have 14 Raffles-Coventry graduates featured in the virtual show which launched on the 17th of June 2021. Amongst is also our Graduate Raffles Fashion Designer ZHAO Xueer, who won 2nd Prize at the Faculty of Arts and Humanity Global Challenge 2021.

Raffles Designers featured includes:

Raffles Fashion Designers:
– ZHAO Xueer

Raffles Jewellery Designer
– Mifuyu Fukai

Raffles Fashion Marketer
– Alex YONG Le Yee

Raffles Interior Designers
– Jose Manuel ARISPUTRA
– Natasha Audrey KURNAIWATI

Raffles Product Designers
– Michelle BILLY

Raffles Digital Media Designers
– Rhea GILL
– Patricia TANIA

Raffles Animators
– Pratik Jose COTTA
– YEO Ying Siu

Raffles Graphic Designers
– Axell Garcia SHANDY 
– Muhammad Firas Bin AZHAR

Uncover your potential. Enroll with Raffles today!

Attend the 2021 Coventry Degree Show here.

#FashionDesign #FashionMarketing #InteriorDesign #ProductDesign #GraphicDesign #Animation #DigitalMediaDesign #JewelleryDesign

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872 Arch Ave.
Chaska, Palo Alto, CA 55318
ph: +1.123.434.965

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ph: +1.321.989.645